After you evaluated the homosexual.
What was the diagnosis? After you
treated the homosexual for the mental
illness was the individual still a homosexual
and did the condition that the homosexual
was diagnosed with go away?
He’s a millionaire.3 kids, 6 grandchildren.
He left us 2 million. $500,000 each.
I was at the funeral, not the burial.
Hoes with poles are wild.
The Monday night football game’s on.
Here, take your measly $5 back.
No one’s married. There obviously aren’t any kids.
Whose idea was this? Show me the jab.
I punched him right in the face. LOL ! !
They won’t go to the gym but they want
to play fight in the street. I don’t like getting hit.
I do this all the time. You’re a schmuck.
I’m on the Yob!