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Muskellunge Comments

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User: newenglandangler
Comment: To any MA anglers, the closest places to find pure muskies are the St. John and St. Lawrence rivers.
Date: 09/07/16 07:08 PM

User: dgross
Comment: I am new to musky fishing and i have always wanted to go. I am looking for some good places to fish.
Date: 05/15/13 08:14 PM

User: scfp
Comment: Currently, there are no lakes, rivers, or other bodies of water in Massachusetts which have pure stock Muskellunge. Massachusetts did stock the hybrid Tiger Muskies in a number of lakes (and a few of these also found their way into nearby river systems) for about 20 years, but this was discontinued (in 2004 or 2005) for budgetary reasons. Some of these lakes still have Tiger Muskies in them; a listing is available on the Massachusetts F&G site. The same lakes often contain Northern Pike (self-sustaining populations of Pike) as well.
Date: 08/15/12 09:35 AM

User: linkmak
Comment: boy i would love to catch one of these guys someday
Date: 04/27/10 05:25 PM

User: truckie45
Comment: I am looking to fish for this species this summer and I was wonder what kind of rod, reel and pound test I should use. I want to keep the price around 100.00 to 125.00 for all.
Date: 02/26/10 03:50 PM

User: gspadz6
Comment: New Muskie Group ...... name: North East Muskie Fever
Date: 02/22/10 08:37 PM

User: wgpjim
Comment: Im headen up to Maine soon and theres a lake up there where the huge ones been getten caught left and right I beleive the average size was 26-38 in.! any advise on how to rig up with my steal leader? Do i attach directly to my spinner, or spoon??? any help would be great!
Date: 05/04/09 08:47 PM

User: troutluster
Comment: when i was a kid i fishing in n.h. i sware that i caught one of these fish off a red devil spoon..... any pics to show or tips of where in new england
Date: 03/25/09 03:29 PM

User: bigjim
Comment: I've only caught a couple in the New River and have yet to catch a big one. I'd love to have someone show me the ropes on this exciting species.
Date: 03/10/09 07:20 PM

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